Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Knock it off - Michael Kors Python Trim Shift Dress

Knock it off - Micheal Kors Python Trim Shift Dress
Simplicity 3744

The Inspiration

Pattern Description:
Misses or Miss Petite Dress in three lenghts with ABCD sizing.

Pattern Sizing:
Size 6 to 22 - I made a 12.

Did it look like the photo/drawing on the pattern envelope once you were done sewing with it?
Yes. I used it as the base to knock off the michael kors dress.

Were the instructions easy to follow?
I really didnt read the instructions. So I'm not sure if they were easy to follow. I didnt add the pocket, just the flap, because of my fabric choice.

What did you particularly like or dislike about the pattern?
Liked: The fit. The flaps.
Disliked: Nothing really with the pattern that I didnt like, but the way the python trim is added takes a long time, and a lot of patience.

Fabric Used:
CANVAS!!!! The original dress is made with java colored hemp, and a real python skin. I used canvas, because I couldnt find hemp locally and didnt want to risk buying something online without being able to see the color. The python trim is twill single bias tape, which I made from scratch. Yards and yards and yards of it.

Pattern alterations or any design changes you made:
I left out the pockets because the canvas was so thick. I really dont need any more bulk around my midsection, and I was afraid I could get some sagging in the main dress with two more layers of fabric.

Would you sew it again? Would you recommend it to others?
I think I have too many princess seamed dresses, so I think i'm going to wait a while before I sew this style again. I would recommend it though.

Michael Kors knock off - What do you think? I think i'm going to make a few pillow cases or something. I need something easy to work on! :)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

McCalls M3979 Vintage Apron

McCalls M3979 Vintage Apron 

Pattern Description:
5 types of vintage aprons.

Pattern Sizing:
Small to X-Large.

Did it look like the photo/drawing on the pattern envelope once you were done sewing with it? Yes, mostly.

Were the instructions easy to follow? Yes, sort of.

What did you particularly like or dislike about the pattern?
Likes: its sort-of cute!

Dislikes: Its an apron not a wedding dress, but it was sooo finnicky. I dont think i have tops this over worked. Every seam is bias bound. I made my own bias, because I had a lot of extra fabric. This is not a fun afternoon project. Essential requirements: Lots of patience, and a seam ripper.

Fabric used? Mostly cotton. Leftovers from a top, and leftovers from scrub bottoms I made DH.

Pattern alterations or design changes you made?
1. I didnt like the ties, so I made them tubes and turned them in. They are narower but not too thin.
2. I made a loop for the neck part. It was too much to tie the neck ties and the apron around. (when am i going to get to the cooking with all that tying??? :) )
3. The side panels were kinda loopy, so I reduced the loopiness of it. Hard to explain. The side panels look like a jug, super curved. I flattened out the curves.
4. I'm normally a medium, but I made a large. I think I should have made an X-Large. Its a bit narrow in the bib, and the side panels barely make it to the side.

Would you sew it again? Recommend it?
No and No. I dont normally wear aprons, but maybe the next time I make pasta I will avoid all the splatters! I probably wouldn't recommend this because its soo time consuming and i'm sure there are nicer looking aprons that dont take so long to make.

Kinda cute. If you want a quick win, this is not it. Bias binding lovers rejoice - this is for you! :)